P1 Orientation 2025
P1 Orientation 2025
2 Jan 2025
On 2 January 2025, our new Primary 1 students and their parents gathered in our newly built school compound for the highly anticipated first day of school. The air buzzed with excitement and anticipation as fresh faces and familiar ones mingled. There were parents who were once students themselves returning to their alma mater with their next generation of children. Some were old classmates reconnecting with one another.
The entire staff and faculty were there to warmly welcome the students and parents to the St. Margaret’s family. After a comprehensive briefing by the School Leaders, Year Head, and Key Personnel in the Hall, the parents were introduced to the Form Teachers. The Form Teachers from each class then met the parents in the classroom and shared on the daily routines. This helped the parents understand what their children would be doing in school and also answer any queries they had. The parents were also given a tour of the school’s arrival and dismissal points to familiarize themselves with the traffic flow and safety measures in place.
Meanwhile, the eager Primary 1 students spent time getting to know each other, playing fun games with their teachers and new classmates. They also had their first recess in the canteen and some even knew how to buy food and drinks from the stalls. Later, the students were guided through key locations in the school, helping them feel comfortable and excited for the year ahead.